Literature and the Law
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
Literature and the Law
Book length
624 pages
Publication Date
A unique book that explores the intersections of law and literature through engaging and entertaining stories, book chapters, poems, plays, and articles along with discussion topics, Literature and the Law is the only available book of its kind. This text covers a comprehensive variety of topics in law and literature utilizing shorter, thought-provoking, less canonical works of fiction from such authors as Herman Melville, Harper Lee, Agatha Christie, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Cynthia Ozick, Albert Camus, and more. This approach welcomes students to develop fresh ideas through exposure to writers and stories primarily new to them.
The accessibility and adaptability of this text will make it a new classroom favorite for you and your students:
- Engaging discussion questions following each story prompt instructors and students, alike, to explore a wide range of topics: professional ethics, justice, the lives of lawyers, the role of lawyers, the legal system, the psychology of lawyering, philosophy, and more
- An extensive, annotated list of complementary readings at the end of each chapter offers teachers and students a rich and varied choice beyond the selected texts
- An adaptable nature makes it suitable for a wide variety of teaching schemes and literary tastes. It reinforces the strengths that teachers bring to the subject while filling in background information and offering texts for those areas with which they are less familiar, making it an ideal source for professors to integrate into their current teaching materials
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Literature and the Law
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