Litigating in America: Civil Procedure in Context
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
Litigating in America: Civil Procedure in Context
Book length
320 pages
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Designed to introduce American civil litigation and process to a wide audience: foreign LL.M. students, beginning American law students, undergraduates interested in law, and foreign lawyers, judges, and law professors. This succinct new paperback Litigating in America: Civil Procedure in Context explains the institutional bases and legal meaning of our procedural system, and captures American civil process at a time of change. It presents American civil procedure from several vantage points: the procedural doctrine that has evolved over time; the practical implications of that doctrine; the social context in which the doctrine grew, is used and abused; and the global context of how other systems may have made different choices. It is an excellent supplement to any casebook.
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Civil Procedure
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Litigating in America: Civil Procedure in Context
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