Bundle: Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, Second Edition Update and California Performance Test Workbook: Preparation for the Bar Exam, Second Edition and The MBE Decoded
Bundle: Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, Second Edition Update and California Performance Test Workbook: Preparation for the Bar Exam, Second Edition and The MBE Decoded
Print Bundle - This bundle includes print versions of ISBN 9781543813500, ISBN 9781543813517, and ISBN 9781543830903.
The Second Edition of Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam contains everything needed to pass the essay portion of the California bar exam. The book combines a comprehensive, yet efficiently concise review of volumes of substantive law with the authors’ proven-effective strategic plan for writing passing bar essays. Rule outlines are supplemented with issues checklists to aid issue spotting and memorization attack sheets, to make memorization manageable, while practice questions productively cover favorite testing areas so bar study is targeted and effective.
The Second Edition of California Performance Test Workbook contains everything needed to pass the performance test portion of the California Bar Exam, which is essential since the performance test score counts double. The book provides an innovative step-by-step strategic general approach for organizing and writing passing performance test answers within 90 minute timed conditions. The authors also provide specific page-by-page deconstructions with guidance and commentary on real released California Performance Test practice questions, along with corresponding answer grids, annotated sample passing answers, and released passing answers.
MBE Decoded is a fresh approach to MBE study which makes the vast amount of MBE tested rules manageable and understandable. The authors fully analyzed all NCBE released MBE questions to determine rule coverage and identify common testing patterns so you don’t have to. This book can be used during law school for early bar preparation or during intensive bar preparation by first-time takers and repeat bar takers who struggled on the MBE the first time. This book is a great resource for students to get essential MBE practice before they fully “know” the law, allowing students to get additional essential practice recognizing the fact patterns and testing styles that are key to passing. Pedagogically, this book encourages students to engage with the material, develop deep rule understanding, gain MBE pattern recognition, and aids in critical memorization efforts.
Product Information
Bundle: Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, Second Edition Update and California Performance Test Workbook: Preparation for the Bar Exam, Second Edition and The MBE Decoded
Print Bundle