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Strategies & Tactics for the Finz Multistate Method, Sixth Edition

  • Steven Finz
  • Alex Ruskell
Series / Bar Review Series
Teaching Materials

Strategies & Tactics for the FINZ Multistate Method, Sixth Edition, is an indispensable tool for both law school exams and the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE). It features more than 1200 multiple-choice questions and detailed answers unavailable elsewhere.

Many law students are intimidated by the MBE exam. They are trained to look at every possibility in a legal analysis. The MBE questions offer four answer choices that all seem plausible at first glance. Students who do poorly on the MBE tend to talk themselves out of the correct answer because of this.
The Finz Multistate Method’s game plan suggests that students treat each answer option as a separate true-false item.  This method simplifies the analysis by encouraging students to consider each possible answer choice separately as opposed to trying to consider the entire question as a whole. As a result, the answer process becomes faster, less overwhelming, and it removes the incorrect answers that might lead students to reconsider the correct one

New to the Sixth Edition:

  • 16 new questions in Civil Procedure
  • 19 new questions in Constitutional Law
  • 18 new questions each in Contracts, Criminal Law, Evidence, and Property
  • 17 new questions in Torts
  • 16 new questions in the Practice Exam

Students will benefit from:

  • More than 1200 multiple-choice questions and answers: Each question contains a sophisticated and intricate fact pattern that tests your ability to pull out the essential facts and tie them to the rules and theories you’ve learned in class. The answers not only explain the reasoning behind the correct choice, but also why the other choices are incorrect.
  • Coverage of first-year subjects: Questions and detailed answers for each first-year course—Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law (including Criminal Procedure), Property (including Future Interests), and Torts—as well as the upper-year subject of Evidence.
  • Supplemental questions for your bar review: Every question is written in the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) style for school exams or MBE preparation and complies with the latest MBE formats. If you’re taking a bar review course, you still need Strategies & Tactics for the Finz Multistate Method because our questions are written in the MBE style and format, but are not actual released exam questions, so we guarantee you’ve never seen these questions before in your MBE review materials.
  • Special section on how to handle MBE-style questions: The book includes an In-depth guide, “Strategies & Tactics—Playing the MBE Game to Win,” on handling the MBE and MBE-style multiple-choice questions—how to break the question down to the essential facts, how to recognize the legal issues, how to avoid the examiners’ traps and pitfalls, and how to pick the right answer and avoid being misled by the wrong answers.
  • Complete MBE-style practice exam: The book comes with a complete 200-question practice exam, with detailed answers that explain the reasoning behind the correct choice and why each of the other choices is incorrect.
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Sixth Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Bar Preparation
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