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Corporate Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions, First Edition

  • Leo R. Tsao
  • Daniel S. Kahn
  • Eugene F. Soltes
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Corporate Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions provides readers a comprehensive understanding of the process behind the investigation, prosecution, and resolution of criminal charges against organizations.

Over the past two decades, corporate criminal liability has developed into one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic areas of legal practice. The growth of corporate criminal enforcement has correlated with a broad shift in how the government investigates and resolves corporate criminal violations. As a result of these developments, the practice of investigating, prosecuting, and resolving corporate criminal cases has many significant differences from other areas of criminal or civil law. Notably, one of the most significant aspects that distinguishes corporate criminal practice is that much of it occurs outside of the formal judicial system; nearly all DOJ corporate criminal matters are resolved through negotiated settlements, and very few cases involve court proceedings or go to trial. As a result, many parts of this practice remain relatively unknown to students and practitioners. Until now. With the publication of this book, authors Leo Tsao, Daniel Kahn, and Eugene Soltes, whose resumes collectively reflect the highest levels of practice and expertise in this field, open a window into all aspects of corporate criminal investigations and prosecutions.

Professors and students will benefit from:

The authors bring a unique perspective and unparalleled qualifications to the subject of corporate criminal liability. Daniel Kahn is the former acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division and former Chief of the Fraud Section and FCPA Unit. Leo Tsao is the former Principal Deputy Chief of the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section and has held supervisory positions in the Bank Integrity Unit and FCPA Unit within the DOJ’s Criminal Division. Eugene Soltes is a professor at Harvard Business School, and regularly teaches and advises companies on corporate integrity, organizational cultures, and compliance systems.

Comprehensive coverage:

  • Part One addresses topics that are generally applicable to all corporate criminal cases, such as the legal principles underlying corporate criminal liability; the individual liability of corporate officers for corporate crimes; and the constitutional rights of criminal corporate defendants—to name a few.  
  • Part Two addresses specific categories of federal crimes commonly used to charge corporate defendants, such as conspiracy, the FCPA, the Bank Secrecy Act, antitrust laws, and RICO.
  • Part Two also provides insights into criminal activity and law enforcement within the technology sector as it pertains to virtual currency (e.g., Bitcoin).
  • Extensive online resources include discussion questions, and relevant case material for key chapters


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First Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
White Collar Crime , Criminal Law, Elective
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