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Bundle: The Mindful Legal Writer: Mastering Predictive Writing and Mechanics and Grammar

  • Heidi K. Brown
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9781454836186 as well as an access code to - Mechanics and Grammar.


The Mindful Legal Writer: Mastering Predictive Writing by Professor Heidi K. Brown, who has 15 years of experience in the law firm world and 7 years of teaching legal writing, focuses on predictive legal analysis. It offers law students and junior lawyers a step-by-step approach to learning the scientific framework of written predictive legal analysis, while at the same time encouraging them to consider the artistic nature of communicating through the written word. This book also proposes that students consider the basics of the concept of mindfulness in the legal writing context a recent movement in legal education to encourage law students to be fully conscious and aware of one s actions and surroundings, and pay attention, on purpose, in the present moment (according to mindfulness advocate, Jon Kabat-Zinn) in order to be a better legal counselor to clients. - Mechanics and Grammar features bite-sized videos and interactive practice that put students in the driver’s seat, developing their writing and research skills with real-life simulations and carefully designed assessments.

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Print + Digital Bundle
Legal Writing
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