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Negotiation Theory and Strategy, Fourth Edition

  • Russell Korobkin
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Unlike other books that focus on the nuts-and-bolts of the negotiation process, this text’s conceptual approach draws on psychology, economics, and law to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the cognitive and interpersonal underpinnings of negotiation. A total of 21 original negotiation simulations and exercises, with private information for each party, are provided to adopters outside of the text, enable students to apply the lessons of each chapter in context-rich environments in a variety of transactional and litigation settings.

New to the 4th Edition:

  • Significant revisions to Chapter 10 (“Gender and Culture”), incorporating the significant amount of scholarship on gender differences in negotiation that has been published in the last decade.
  • Significant revisions to Chapter 14 (“Deceit”), reflecting the burgeoning literature in the field of behavioral ethics.
  • Minor updates and revisions to other chapters.
  • Minor updates to existing simulations and additional new simulations.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Rigorous, social science-based approach to understanding negotiation as a fundamental process of human interaction.
  • Modular organization, so instructors can choose to assign the chapters in a different order than presented, to better suit their conception of the course without creating undue confusion on the part of students.
  • Each chapter of the book exposes students to challenging theoretical concepts through a combination of narrative material, excerpts of published books and articles, and note material that further explains and builds on points made in the narrative and excerpted sections.
  • The “Discussion Questions and Problems” that end each chapter provide an opportunity for students to explore and apply the reading material in a class discussion format.
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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Dispute Resolution , Negotiation
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