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Wills, Trusts, and Estates: Essential Tools for the New York Paralegal, Fourth Edition

  • Ilene S. Cooper
Series / Aspen Paralegal Series
Teaching Materials

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A comprehensive and class-tested introduction to Wills, Trusts and Estates, designed for the New York paralegal

The new and updated 4th edition of Wills, Trusts, and Estates: Essential Tools for the New York Paralegal provides students, paralegals, and estate practitioners with all the information and materials needed to effectively administer an estate from beginning to end. In a readable and accessible format the text addresses such topics as basic terminology, intestate administration, probate proceedings, litigation, jurisdiction and venue, fiduciary duties and responsibilities, including accountings, trusts, and estate and fiduciary income taxes. This complete text focuses specifically on New York practice and eliminates the need for other supplements. Enhanced by the author's extensive experience in the field of trusts and estates, the book, with its discussion of relevant case law, recent legislative changes, forms, additions to the Uniform Court Rules, including rules pertaining to e-filing, and practical and procedural guides, is an excellent instructional tool and desk reference for students, paralegals and attorneys.

New to the Fourth Edition:

  • Updated terms and definitions.
  • Recent case law
  • New coverage of
    • proceedings to determine the validity and effect of a right of election
    • duress as an objection to probate
    • discussion of the virtual representation statute in accounting proceedings
    • guidelines for receipts and releases as a means of settling an estate
  •  Statutory updates, including the Child-Parent Security Act, the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act as applied to Surrogate’s Court proceedings, the attorney-client privilege and revocable trusts, and amendments to the estate tax laws.
  • Added chapter on Miscellaneous Proceedings, including discovery proceedings, wrongful death compromises, and the appointment of a successor trustee.
  • Updated instructional diagrams and examples.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • State-specific rules, forms, and reference sources, including a complete appendix of forms
  • In-depth instruction in paralegal tasks and skills at each stage of administration, estate planning, and litigation
  • Paralegal resources such as software, books, websites, and other tools for the New York paralegal
  • A separate chapter devoted to the ethical issues encountered by paralegals and attorneys
  • Case synopses and chapter pedagogy that help students understand, practice, and retain material. Pedagogy includes charts and diagrams, key terms, ethical points, topic sidebars, highlighted examples, and review exercises
  • Current decisions that highlight points of law and statutory applications, bringing a sense of reality to the material
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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
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