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Policing America: An Introduction, Third Edition

  • Willard M. Oliver
Series / Aspen Criminal Justice Series
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With an engaging and balanced approach, former police officer and policing scholar Willard M. Oliver encourages students to think critically about the role of the police and the practice of policing in American society today. Policing America builds a basic understanding of contemporary police practices upon a foundation of essential theory and research. In a readable style, the author offers a contextual understanding of concepts in policing, supported by academic research, and balanced with the voice of the American police officer.

New to the Third Edition:

  • Updated with new statistics and research
  • Carefully streamlined and edited to ensure teachability and accuracy
  • Current policing journal articles findings included and cited
  • Discussion of the modern political movement of “defunding the police” and how this impacts both the police and the community
  • Coverage of the use of video doorbell technology and its effect on policing

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Succinct yet thorough treatment of all policing topics, with a balanced approach that emphasizes contemporary policing
  • Discussion of best policing practices and research
  • Real-world issues highlighted in text boxes
  • Hypotheticals that exemplify theory in practice in every chapter
  • A design for learning that includes charts, graphics, and summaries of key points
  • A focus on encouraging students to think critically about the role of policing in today’s society
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Third Edition
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