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Personal Injury and the Law of Torts for Paralegals, Sixth Edition

  • Emily Lynch Morissette
Series / Aspen Paralegal Series
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Personal Injury and the Law of Torts for Paralegals, Sixth Edition, balances complete coverage of substantive torts topics with essential paralegal skills. Emily Lynch Morissette provides consistently clear writing and realistic examples that convey a working understanding of the role of the paralegal in tort cases. Teaching basic torts and skill development, the text features a logical organization, introducing substantive topics with an overview of the concepts and then moving through each element of negligence, followed by medical malpractice as a type of negligence, intentional torts, and workers’ compensation.

New to the Sixth Edition:

  • New examples and exercises throughout the text
  • Meticulously updated throughout with citations to the current research

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • A wealth of clear and accessible examples
  • Fact-based exercises that use real-life scenarios
  • Integrated treatment of ethics
  • Practice-based topics on medical record discovery, tort discovery, and litigation
  • A consistent emphasis on medical information related to personal injury, such as how to obtain and understand medical records, including an introduction to medicine in the appendix
  • Helpful pedagogy, including chapter objectives, marginal definitions, visual aids, case summaries, chapter summaries, and review questions
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Sixth Edition
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Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Tort Law
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