Bundle: Race, Racism and American Law, Sixth Edition with Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials, 2023
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Bundle: Race, Racism and American Law, Sixth Edition with Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials, 2023
Book length
792 pages
Publication Date
Sixth Edition
Print Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9780735575745, and a print version of supplement ISBN 9781543850291.
Print + Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9780735575745, and a digital version of supplement ISBN 9798886148367.
More about Race, Racism and American Law, the Sixth Edition of this innovative text written by Derrick Bell continues to provide students with insight into the issues surrounding race in America and an understanding of how the law interprets those issues as well as the factors that directly and indirectly influence the law. The first casebook published specifically for teaching race related law courses, Race, Racism, and American Law is engaging, offering hard-hitting enlightenment, and is an unparalleled teaching tool.
Bundle also includes Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials, 2023, which incorporates significant historical and contemporary cases and materials edited with an aim to foreground the most relevant sections and passages to illustrate the crucial role of race in the formation of US law. The locus of analysis in this text is the struggle for racial justice, and its underlying history and political context as reflected in the ongoing contestation over law, legal reform, and transformation. As such the supplement includes but is not limited to Supreme Court cases. We follow Bell’s model of locating all edited cases and materials in the supplement, reserving the book’s text to provide historical and political context for significant cases or legislative actions, along with hypothetical questions, comments, and other tools of analysis.
Print + Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9780735575745, and a digital version of supplement ISBN 9798886148367.
More about Race, Racism and American Law, the Sixth Edition of this innovative text written by Derrick Bell continues to provide students with insight into the issues surrounding race in America and an understanding of how the law interprets those issues as well as the factors that directly and indirectly influence the law. The first casebook published specifically for teaching race related law courses, Race, Racism, and American Law is engaging, offering hard-hitting enlightenment, and is an unparalleled teaching tool.
Bundle also includes Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials, 2023, which incorporates significant historical and contemporary cases and materials edited with an aim to foreground the most relevant sections and passages to illustrate the crucial role of race in the formation of US law. The locus of analysis in this text is the struggle for racial justice, and its underlying history and political context as reflected in the ongoing contestation over law, legal reform, and transformation. As such the supplement includes but is not limited to Supreme Court cases. We follow Bell’s model of locating all edited cases and materials in the supplement, reserving the book’s text to provide historical and political context for significant cases or legislative actions, along with hypothetical questions, comments, and other tools of analysis.
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Product Information
Sixth Edition
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Print Bundle
Print + Digital Bundle
Civil Rights / Race and the Law
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Bundle: Race, Racism and American Law, Sixth Edition with Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials, 2023
Print Bundle
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Are you an educator?
Bundle: Race, Racism and American Law, Sixth Edition with Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials, 2023
Print + Digital Bundle
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