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Bundle: Modern Constitutional Law: Cases, Problems and Practice, Third Edition with Connected Quizzing

  • Lawrence Friedman
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

With this purchase, you will receive access to the Connected eBook on Casebook Connect, including lifetime access to the online ebook with highlight, annotation, and search capabilities. Access also includes practice questions, an outline tool, and other helpful resources. Connected eBooks provide what you need most to be successful in your law school classes.

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543857634 as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9798886143997 as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.


More about Modern Constitutional Law: Cases, Problems and Practice: Unlike casebooks that seek to tackle the entirety of Constitutional Law and are organized from the theoretical and philosophical perspective of the constitutional scholar the Third Edition focuses on the key areas most relevant to the practice law students will predominantly find themselves in after law school: small or solo firms that count individuals and small businesses as their clientele, offices of state agencies, district attorneys, and public defenders.

Bundle also includes Connected Quizzing. Delivered through, Connected Quizzing is an easy-to-use formative assessment tool that tests law students’ understanding and provides timely feedback to improve learning outcomes. Connected Quizzing requires a Professor Course Code to access the quizzes.

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Professor Materials
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Third Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Constitutional Law
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