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Constitutional Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Sixth Edition

  • Russell L. Weaver
  • Steven I. Friedland
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials

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Constitutional Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Sixth Edition by Russell L. Weaver and Steven Friedland is a casebook designed as a teacher’s book by stimulating thought, inviting discussion, and helping professors more effectively teach. Its thought-provoking problem approach encourages students to delve deeper into constitutional doctrine and gives them an accessible and interesting way to learn constitutional issues. Problems at the beginning of each chapter are referenced throughout the text for continuity. Principal constitutional law cases are edited as lightly as possible to allow the Supreme Court to speak for itself, with shorter notes that accompany the problems.

This new edition is much shorter than previous editions so that it can be comfortably taught in a four credit, one semester course.

This casebook makes Constitutional Law accessible and teachable. It will help students understand constitutional theory, lead students to greater insights, generate classroom interactivity and provide a platform for inspired learning. The casebook includes problems with many different models and formats. Many problems are factual in nature and are designed to encourage students to ponder how constitutional doctrine might apply in particular contexts. In some instances, these fact-based problems are premised upon actual cases, including U.S. Supreme Court cases. Other problems are theoretical in nature and are simply designed to help students better understand constitutional doctrine.

New to the Sixth Edition. The sixth edition includes many new cases. Among them are:
  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (the abortion decision)
  • Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admission v. University of North Carolina (the affirmative action decision)
  • West Virginia v. EPA (the major questions doctrine)
  • Biden v. Nebraska )the student loan case)
Professors and students will benefit from:

● Lightly edited cases allow students to see the fullest possible analysis of the law.
● Diverse perspectives are presented on constitutional interpretation, federalism, and public policy.
● An emphasis on federalism and other oft-marginalized topics– compared to other constitutional law casebooks, this text spends considerable time on federalism, balance of powers, and other topics that are sometimes only given passing reference.
● A complete examination of Second Amendment rights and executive power.

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Sixth Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Constitutional Law
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