Bundle: Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do, Third Edition and Connected Quizzing
Bundle: Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do, Third Edition and Connected Quizzing
Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543803907 as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.
Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9781543845976 as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.
More about Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do,the Third Edition emphasizes the importance of accurately memorializing the business deal while also advancing your client's interests. New co-author Monica Llorente builds on the foundation and insights of Tina Stark's landmark text with detailed introductions to the six building blocks for drafting contracts that pave the way for understanding any type of business contract. Reader-friendly text illustrated by examples and sample provisions demonstrates the mechanics, strategy, and precision of real-world contract drafting. In line with Tina Stark's legacy of building a bridge between law school and practice, co-author Monica Llorente solicited significant input from law professors, practitioners, and law students in the course of her work on the Third Edition.
Bundle also includes Connected Quizzing. Delivered through CasebookConnect.com, Connected Quizzing is an easy-to-use formative assessment tool that tests law students’ understanding and provides timely feedback to improve learning outcomes. Connected Quizzing requires a Professor Course Code to access the quizzes.
Product Information
Bundle: Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do, Third Edition and Connected Quizzing
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Bundle: Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do, Third Edition and Connected Quizzing
Digital Bundle