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Business Planning: Financing the Start-Up Business and Venture Capital Financing, Fourth Edition

  • Therese H. Maynard
  • Dana M. Warren
  • Shannon Trevino
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials

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Business Planning: Financing the Start-Up Business and Venture Capital Financing by Therese H. Maynard and Shannon Treviño uses an innovative simulated deal format that is drawn from the “deal-files” of real world practicing lawyers. It integrates the teaching of transactional lawyering skills with the presentation of new substantive law that is critical to the success of a junior corporate lawyer practicing in a transactional setting

New to the Fourth Edition:
  • Updates to Chapter 1 to reflect developments in the law and the entrepreneurial landscape.
  • Updates to Chapter 2 to reflect the impact of certain aspects of tax reform on choice-of-entity decisions.
  • A thoroughly revised Chapter 4 regarding federal securities laws, incorporating numerous regulatory changes that have been adopted or become effective since the publication of the third edition.
  • Additions and updates to Chapters 8 and 9 to reflect developments in the venture capital industry and in the public capital markets, including direct listings and SPAC transactions.
  • Updates to several of the chapters to reflect legal developments, including changes in California and Delaware corporate law, and intellectual property and equity compensation laws.
  • The introduction of new secondary sources on topics ranging from practical business lawyering skills to SPACs to public benefit corporations.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Integrated teaching of transactional lawyering skills with the presentation of substantive law that is critical to the success of a junior corporate lawyer practicing in a transactional setting
  • Instructions on how to analyze both the legal issues and the business considerations that must be taken into account in planning the structure and negotiating the terms of a capital raising transaction for an early-stage company that allows junior lawyers to hit the ground running
  • A simulated deal format that provides a real-world appreciation for the “life cycle of a deal”
  • Student evaluation based on graded memo assignments representative of the work tasks expected of a junior corporate lawyer practicing in a transactional setting
  • Prepared graded memo assignments that relate directly to the substantive material in the casebook reading assignments
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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
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