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Islamic Law in Modern Courts

  • Haider Ala Hamoudi
  • Mark Cammack
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials

Islamic Law in Modern Courts provides an easily accessible introduction to Islamic law written specifically for law students and legal professionals, and designed to be taught not only by Islamic law specialists, but also by those working in related fields such as law and religion or comparative legal systems. Framed as a casebook, the text uses translations of judicial decisions involving real-world legal disputes to present a picture of Islamic law as it is actually applied in the contemporary world. The casebook draws on material from a variety of countries but focuses primarily on two jurisdictions. Cases from Indonesia exemplify the law of the majority Sunni branch of Islam, while cases from Iraq reflect the influence of both Sunni and Shi’a law. The casebook begins with a brief introduction to the religion of Islam and the sources, methods, and historical development of Islamic law. Four substantive law chapters cover the main subjects over which Islamic law continues to exert significant influence. These include inheritance law, the law of marriage and divorce, Islamic finance and charitable foundations, and Islamic criminal law. A final chapter examines constitutional adjudication of issues related to Islamic law.

Key Features:

  • Examines Islamic law as state law that is enforced by national courts but with roots in and ongoing connections with the rich classical tradition.
  • Designed for use by both experts in Islamic law as well as faculty who have an interest in Islamic law but lack extensive background in the subject.
  • Cases are accompanied by commentary that explains and situates the doctrine applied in the decision and suggests questions for classroom discussion.
  • The five substantive law chapters are self-contained units that permit instructors to design a course that focuses on subject areas of particular interest.
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International Law and Foreign Relations
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