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Introduction to the American Legal System, Government, and Constitutional Law

  • Diane S. Kaplan
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
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This new coursebook introduces students to the relationship among the American constitutional, governmental, and legal systems. With a clear and concise presentation, this book explores historical and contemporary events, judicial opinions, and constitutional provisions that demonstrate how the three systems accommodate social progress in an ever-changing and highly diverse nation. Perfect for LLM courses or even undergraduate classes, this book aims to teach students how to understand constitutional doctrines, brief judicial opinions, and how American history affects contemporary legal issues.


  • Clear and concise presentation and logical organization of material making it an excellent introductory book to the American legal system
  • Inclusion of modern cases on relevant topics, such as same-sex marriage, legalization of marijuana, and homicidal laws affecting juveniles
  • Chapter questions that facilitate basic legal analysis through hypotheticals, opinion briefing, and application of constitutional provisions
  • Inclusion of important historical and political events, such as lawsuits brought against Presidents, congressional impeachment powers, the Electoral College System, the Supreme Court s resolution of voting issues, the Civil War and post Civil War constitutional amendments, the Civil Rights movement, presidential and congressional war powers, and Supreme Court opinions about Guantanamo Bay detainees
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Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Introduction to Law
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