American Legal System for Foreign Lawyers
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
American Legal System for Foreign Lawyers
Book length
544 pages
Publication Date
Heavily classroom-tested by the authors and other instructors, this powerful teaching tool puts an emphasis on vocabulary and solid learning aids to introduce the American legal system to foreign law students. Focusing on constitutional law, the authors provide in-depth coverage of major issues such as the health care mandate, Arizona immigration law, the Defense of Marriage Act, affirmative action, the Supreme Court citation on international authority and more. The American Legal System for Foreign Lawyers uses contract law to show the continued development of common law and considers the role and function of judges, characterizing the differences between common and civil law. Other important issues are highlighted such as the differences between judicial review of legislation under constitutional challenge, judicial interpretation of statutes, and judicial development and application of common law contract and property law principles. Interesting cases and solid case-reading coverage combine with tables, graphical material, and glossaries to help students grasp United States law.
Features ofThe American Legal System for Foreign Lawyers:
- Heavily class-room tested by the authors and other instructors
- In-depth coverage of major issues
- Health Care Mandate
- Arizona immigration law
- Defense of Marriage Act
- Absorption of the Second Amendment
- Affirmative Action
- Supreme Court citation on international authority
- Uses contract law to show continued development of common law
- Considers the role and function of judges, characterizing the differences between common and civil law
- Highlights important differences
- judicial review of legislation under constitutional challenge
- judicial interpretation of statutes
- judicial development and application of common law contract and property law principles
- Teaching and learning aids
- tables
- charts and graphical materials
- chapter and whole book glossaries
- Interesting cases and coverage of case-reading
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Copyright Year
Introduction to Law
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American Legal System for Foreign Lawyers
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