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Basic Labor and Employment Law for Paralegals, Second Edition

  • Clyde E. Craig
Series / Aspen Paralegal Series
Teaching Materials

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An effective teaching and learning text, Basic Labor and Employment Law for Paralegals covers all the essential elements in depth and breadth in a rational three part structure. "Introduction to Labor and Employment Law" examines the historical development of labor and employment law in America alongside the nature of the employment relationship. "Labor-Management Relations in the Union Setting" shows how American labor law regulates labor-management relations and includes methods of selecting collective bargaining representatives, unfair labor practices by employers and unions, economic weapons in labor disputes and the formation and administration of labor contracts. "Employment Discrimination" deals with the various forms of discrimination and the methods and procedures of pursuing employment discrimination claims. To underscore concepts and ensure student understanding, each chapter features marginal definitions, fact scenarios illustrating the concepts, and questions about specific facts for the students to consider. Answers to the fact scenarios are included at the end of each chapter. Discussion questions and exercises are provided to help students apply the concepts, and engaging case excerpts give them experience with case analysis.


The Second Edition has been completely updated to include new material analyzing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, a federal statute amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Additional new material discusses the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, a federal statute prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of genetic information. Fresh case references and examples appear throughout the text.


Hallmark features of Basic Labor and Employment Law for Paralegals:

Covers all essential elements of United States labor and employment law in depth

Divided into three sections

o Introduction to Labor and Employment Law

historical development of labor and employment law in America

nature of the employment relationship

o Labor-Management Relations in the Union Setting

how labor law regulates labor-management relations

methods of selecting collective bargaining representatives

unfair labor practices by employers and unions

economic weapons in labor disputes

the formation and administration of labor contracts

o Employment Discrimination

various forms of employment discrimination in American law

methods and procedures of pursuing employment discrimination claims

Chapter pedagogy

o marginal definitions

o fact scenarios illustrating the concepts

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Second Edition
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Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Labor Law , Employment Law
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