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Civil Law and Litigation for Paralegals, Third Edition

  • Neal R. Bevans
Series / Aspen Paralegal Series
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Civil Law and Litigation for Paralegals is a comprehensive text designed specifically for paralegal civil litigation courses. Author Neal Bevans not only teaches the basics of civil litigation, but also gives students the opportunity to learn skills they will use in practice. In a balanced approach, Bevans covers all the key topics paralegals need to know in an easy-to-read and engaging style that utilizes numerous examples and illustrations but never overwhelms the student. The text provides students with an in-depth analysis of a wide variety of civil cases, beginning with laying out the basic foundation of the American legal system. It proceeds through the investigation and implementation of a civil case, and follows the case through to appeal. The text balances the theoretical underpinnings of the law with the practical examples and hands-on experience that all students need to completely understand the topic. The helpful pedagogy throughout the book and a comprehensive teaching package make class preparation as easy as possible.

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Third Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Civil Procedure , Litigation
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