Bundle: Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law, Fourth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Dispute Resolution, Fourth Edition
Bundle: Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law, Fourth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Dispute Resolution, Fourth Edition
Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543809084 as well as a print version of 9781543805840.
More about Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law, Fourth Edition, covers negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and hybrid approaches, preparing law students to represent clients in all types of alternative dispute resolution. The text is practical, while grounded in theory. Drawing on the authors’ decades of experience as teachers, practicing neutrals, and ADR trainers, this casebook provides vivid examples from actual cases, literature, and current media. It also offers diverse readings by leading authors, along with comprehensive video-based resources and attention to prominent developments in the field. The text integrates coverage of law, ethics, and practice, as well as interesting notes, thoughtful problems, and provocative questions.
Bundle also includes Examples & Explanations for Dispute Resolution, Fourth Edition. Highly respected ADR authors Michael Moffitt and Andrea Schneider bring their considerable experience and expertise to the proven-effective Examples & Explanations series pedagogy. Dispute Resolution, Fourth Edition combines introductions to theory with practical exercises in decision analysis, problem solving, and various forms of conflict resolution.
Product Information
Bundle: Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law, Fourth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Dispute Resolution, Fourth Edition
Connected eBook Print Bundle