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Bundle: Law Office Management for Paralegals, Fourth Edition with The Law Simulation Series: Law Office Management

  • Laurel A. Vietzen
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes a print and digital version of ISBN 9781543813821 as well as an access code to The Law Simulation Series - Law Office Management.

More about Law Office Management for Paralegals, the Fourth Edition is a comprehensive introduction to law office management, emphasizing ethics, law office culture, law office systems, and “soft skills,” such as communications and critical thinking. Assignments are drawn from real-world law office management situations and supported by innovative visual aids and learning tools. Students get hands-on practice with timekeeping, conflicts-checking, file management, trust accounting, business planning, correspondence, and much more. They are exposed to law office software, such as Clio, and learn to perform vital functions using other software and even freeware. Career profiles emphasize the importance of involvement in professional organizations, advancement in the legal field without obtaining a law degree, and that the legal profession is populated by men and women of all ages and backgrounds.

The Law Simulation Series: Law Office Management is a series of simulated, experiential learning environments designed to provide students with an interactive law office environment suitable for the development and refinement of competencies needed for the real-world legal workplace.

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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Law Practice Management
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