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Virtual Currency Law: The Emerging Legal and Regulatory Framework, First Edition

  • V. Gerard Comizio
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Virtual Currency Law: The Emerging Legal and Regulatory Framework by V. Gerard Comizio is one of the first casebooks to explore the emerging legal and regulatory framework governing virtual currency activities under a wide range of federal and state laws, including securities, banking, commodities, money transmission, payments systems, commercial, anti-money laundering, fintech, cyber and data security, tax, Constitutional and international laws.

Virtual Currency Lawis one of the first books specifically suited for use in a law school course exploring the emerging legal and regulatory framework governing virtual currency activities. Since the advent of the first virtual currency (Bitcoin) in 2008, a new global financial ecosystem has emerged, composed of an increasing number and variety of digital assets. In this context, the book explores how governments, regulators and legal experts are increasingly looking to existing securities, banking, commodities, money transmission, payment systems, commercial, anti-money laundering, fintech, cyber and data security, tax, Constitutional and international laws to address the unique, novel, and complex issues presented by virtual currency. The book also explores how the ubiquitous nature of virtual currency has led to it being viewed as the legal and regulatory equivalent of a wide range of traditional corporate and financial services products, services, activities, and investments.

Highlights of the First Edition:

  • One of the first legal textbooks to address the wide range of emerging virtual currency law and regulation
  • Chapter by chapter coverage of major areas of emerging corporate and financial institutions law and regulation governing virtual currency-related products, services, investments, and activities
  • Cutting edge materials on emerging Constitutional law issues

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Each chapter generally begins with a basic introduction to the fundamental legal and regulatory legal framework of the respective areas of law being applied to virtual currency. As such,
    • for students, it is not only a useful primer on virtual currency regulation, but also provides a basic understanding of major areas of corporate and financial institutions laws.
    • for professors who are not experts in all areas of law and regulation covered in the book, these chapter introductions will help provide a better understanding of the materials.
  • The chapters, organized by the area of law and regulation analyzed, also provide useful comparative analysis of similar concepts under other laws and regulations discussed in other chapters.
  • To provide a broader context and understanding of the materials presented, the book also covers current developments in policy areas related to virtual currency, including developments in government-backed virtual currencies, emerging quantum computer cyber threats to the blockchain and emerging free speech issues regarding social media restraints on virtual currency activities.
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First Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Financial Institutions , Computer and Cyberlaw
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