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Ocean and Coastal Resources Law, Fourth Edition

  • Josh Eagle
  • Shi-Ling Hsu
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials

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Ocean and Coastal Resources Law is a topical and up-to-date resource for those interested in marine law and policy and the land uses near marine areas, and how they interact.

Ocean and Coastal Resources Law, 4e, provides an interdisciplinary approach that combines cases and materials with key sources from science, economics, and business. Ocean and Coastal Resources Law prepares students for practice as lawyers in a variety of fields, such as conservation and marine protection, oil and gas and renewable energy development, coastal land use, real estate, development, and work in nongovernmental organizations and federal and state regulatory agencies. The Fourth Edition adds updated materials related to the rapidly developing law of climate adaptation, e.g., fisheries regulation as fish populations relocate, and the regulation of coastal structure protection as sea levels rise.

New to the Fourth Edition:

  • Coverage of domestic and international ocean law, protected marine species, and off-shore industrial development
    • Updated materials on renewable energy and aquaculture
    • In-depth treatment of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. A holistic view of how activities on the seas affect coastal land activities, and vice versa
  • Updates throughout Coastal Law chapters through 2023
    • New points for discussion
    • Refreshed problem exercises

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Coverage of domestic and international ocean law—richly illustrated and accessibly written
  • The back-to-back organization of Ocean Law and Coastal Law chapters may be easily adapted to syllabi on Ocean Law, Coastal Law, or Ocean and Coastal Law courses
  • Interdisciplinary materials from law, science, economics, and business inform and add perspective to a range of subjects—such as conservation, land use, and industry regulation—preparing students for careers as lawyers in a variety of fields
  • Points for discussion highlight connections between cases and topics and raise questions that encourage students to articulate a response to issues of law and policy
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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Environmental Law
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