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Land Use Controls: Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition

  • Robert C. Ellickson
  • Vicki L. Been 
  • Roderick M. Hills 
  • Christopher  Serkin 
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials

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Land Use Controls: Cases and Materialsemphasizes an interdisciplinary approach that weaves historical, social, and economic causes and effects of legal doctrine. The casebook also brings out the functional relationships between formally unrelated routes of law—statutes, ordinances, constitutional doctrines, and common law—by focusing on their practical deployment, developers, neighbors, planners, politicians, and their empirical effects on outcomes like neighborhood quality, housing supply, racial segregation, and tax burdens. A thematic framework illuminates the connections among multiple topics under land law and gives attention to the factual and political context of the cases and aftermath of decisions. Dynamic pedagogy features original introductory text, cases, notes, excerpts from law review articles, and visual aids (maps, charts, graphs) throughout.

New to the Fifth Edition:

  • A focus on affordability and the new conflicts over urban zoning
  • A fully updated treatment of local administrative law
  • Recent constitutional rulings, including up-to-date Supreme Court decisions on exactions and regulatory takings
  • Thoroughly updated notes, with recent cases, law review literature, and empirical studies

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Distinguished authorship by respected scholars and professors with a range of expertise
  • An interdisciplinary approach combining historical, social, political, and economic perspectives and offering dynamic opportunities for analysis along with broad legal coverage
  • Concise but comprehensive treatment of the legal issues in private and public regulation of land development, including environmental justice, building codes and subdivision regulations, and the federal role in urban development
  • A thematic framework illuminating connections among multiple discrete topics under land law and the factual and political context of cases and aftermath of decisions
  • Excellent coverage and dynamic pedagogy


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Fifth Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Real Estate and Land Use
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