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Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication: Cases, Statutes, and Executive Materials, Seventh Edition

  • Marc L. Miller
  • Ronald F. Wright
  • Jenia I. Turner
  • Kay L. Levine
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication, by Marc Miller, Ronald Wright, Jenia Turner, and Kay Levine, focuses on the interactions among multiple institutions in shaping the law of Criminal Procedure, bringing state courts, legislatures, prosecutor offices, and public defenders into the picture alongside the U.S. Supreme Court.

Buy a new version of this textbook and receive access to the Connected eBook with Study Center on CasebookConnect, including: lifetime access to the online ebook with highlight, annotation, and search capabilities; practice questions from your favorite study aids; an outline tool and other helpful resources. Connected eBooks provide what you need most to be successful in your law school classes.

In Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication: Cases, Statutes, and Executive Materials, the highly respected author team presents a student-friendly, comprehensive survey of the laws and practices at work between the time a person is charged and the moment when the courts hear an appeal after the offender’s conviction and sentence. In the Sixth Edition, the authors retain the vitality and contemporary approach of the book with an updated selection of cases, statutes, and office policies. Covering in detail the “bail-to-jail” portions of the criminal process, this casebook features extensive use of documents from multiple institutions including U.S. Supreme Court cases, state high court cases, state and federal statutes, rules of procedure, and prosecutorial policies; a real-world perspective that focuses on high-volume issues of current importance to defendants, lawyers, courts, legislators, and the public; interdisciplinary examination of the impact that different procedures have on the enforcers, lawyers, courts, communities, defendants, and victims; points of comparison between U.S. practices and the systems at work in other countries; and frequent use of Problems to give the instructor options for applying concepts and doctrines in realistic practice settings.

New to the 7th Edition:

  • Coverage of declination and plea negotiation policies in the offices of “progressive prosecutors.
  • Enhanced coverage of the operation of state speedy trial statutes in high-volume courts.
  • Fresh evaluation of historical trends and current practices in plea bargaining.
  • Coverage of recent rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court on jury selection and unanimous jury verdicts.
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Seventh Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
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Criminal Procedure
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