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Prep for Finals

Prep for Finals random

Law school exams are fast approaching! What can you do now to better position yourself to succeed? Review our list of best practices to get started.

    Have a game plan and stick to it.

    Set up a day-by-day schedule for studying for each class starting from now through to finals. Allot more study time for your more challenging courses. Budget this time around the hours you will need for class and to keep up with the assigned reading, because you will be tested on everything, including the most recent material covered.

    Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

    Review your syllabus, class notes, and highlighted sections of your casebook to create a “hit list” of topics for study. And don’t forget to utilize those case outlines! Pay particular attention to any material or key points your professor repeatedly covered in class, as this is likely to be on the test. Flag the material that you find most difficult so you can focus on learning what you need to know. After all, you don’t want to waste precious study time reviewing content you’ve already mastered.

    Find out about the test format.

    What will it be: multiple-choice, short-answer, essay, or a combination of question formats? Practice answering the type of questions you’ll be asked for greater efficiency when studying. If you have a Study Center in your eBook, make sure you use it! The study center includes relevant questions and gives detailed explanations for the answers.

    Chances are your classmates are using study guides to prepare and you should, too.  For example, if your midterm will feature a multiple-choice format, consider prepping with the popular Glannon Guides series. Glannon Guides offer multiple-choice questions and analysis of both correct and incorrect answers so you can identify the important elements within the questions and learn to answer them correctly. 

    In addition to Glannon Guides, the Emanuel series of study guides is among the most trusted when it comes to law school exams. The Emanuel CrunchTime series helps you review material through flow charts and capsule summaries, plus it provides short-answer, multiple-choice and essay Q&As so you can test your knowledge. Also popular is the Emanuel Law in a Flash series. Great for studying on-the-go, this comprehensive flashcard set is coded by topic and poses a hypothetical question on one side of the card, with the answer provided on the other. Students can review the whole deck, break out specific topics to focus on, or do last minute brush up on black letter law by studying the cards designated for quick review.

    Don't forget to give your brain a break.

    Research shows that your brain assimilates information better under certain conditions, so put science to work for you. Chunk your study sessions into 45-60 minute segments and give yourself at least a 15-minute break before cracking the books again. Forget the all-nighters, too, which are linked to impaired cognitive function the next day. Instead, plan to get a good night's sleep while your subconscious does its job of storing information so you can retrieve it when needed (like during your final).

    Curb your Internet enthusiasm.

    Surfing the web, keeping up with social media and checking on emails can be distracting. To avoid wasting time, confine these activities to your scheduled breaks. If willpower is not enough and you find you need some additional help, consider one of the many apps available to block your access for a pre-set amount of time like Self Control or Freedom.

    Now is the time to make sure you’ve got the resources you need for finals. By giving yourself enough time to review course materials, case briefs and outlines, organize your notes, and practice test-taking strategies, you'll be prepared to approach finals with confidence. You’ve made it this far, we know you make this finals season a success!

    Other Resources

    Aspen Aloud
    Examples & Explanations
    Emanuel Law Outlines