Personal Medical Items List for the JD-Next Exam
Revised October 2023
The below items are personal medical items that do not require accommodations pre-approval. They will be allowed in the testing room.
None of the items listed below may have anything hand-written on them.
If a candidate has any question about a medically-related item, it is up to the candidate to discuss the issue with their program’s staff in advance of the exam to determine if a pre-approval is needed. NOTE: Proctors cannot make last-minute decisions about medical devices or items that are not pre-approved and not on this list.
Medicine & Medically-Related Items
- Auto-Injector, such as EpiPen
- Bandages
- Braces - Neck, Back, Wrist, Leg or Ankle Braces
- Casts - including slings for broken/sprained arms and other injury-related items that cannot be removed.
- Cough Drops - must be unwrapped and not in a bottle/container.
- Ear plugs – foam with no string
- Eye Drop
- Eye Patch
- Eyeglasses, without the case
- Handheld, non-electronic magnifying glass, without the case.
- Glucose Tablets (does not include hard candy)
- Inhaler
- Medical Alert Bracelet
- Nasal drops/spray
- Oxygen Tank – Must be self-contained and silent. If the oxygen makes noise, or if power is required, then an accommodations approval is needed.
- Pillow/Cushion
- Pills - i.e., Tylenol or other orally-administered medication
- Heating pad
Mobility Devices
- Cane
- Crutches
- Walker
- Motorized Scooter or chair
- Wheelchair
Other Items
- Water in a clear or transparent container with a lid or cap. All labels must be removed from the container.
- Tissues
Medically-related items that require accommodations pre-approval:
- Any device that will be plugged into the computer, except an external mouse or keyboard.
- Diabetic testing or treatment supplies
- Hearing aids/Cochlear implant
- Medical device that is attached to a person’s body, for example:
- A smartphone that is required for monitoring or management of a medical condition, such as diabetes.
- Handheld medical devices that connect via Bluetooth to other medical devices, such as a handheld blood-glucose monitor.
- Any device that would cause the candidate to leave the view of the camera, such as a sit-stand desk or height-adjustable workstation
- Sunglasses or tinted glasses that restrict the remote proctor’s ability to see eye movements
- Registered service animal
- Hat or visor (General Policy Note: Head coverings of any kind [e.g., hats, hoods, bonnets, durags, scarves, etc.] may not be worn, unless the head covering is a religious requirement)
Prohibited items:
- Face masks
- Comfort (“emotional support”) animals